Работа за преводачи
Работа за преводачи
Ул. Болшая Молчанкова, 34 стр. 2, от. 25
+7 495 504-71-35 от 9.30 до 17.30

Преводач руски, английски, испански, български

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Разглеждания: 418

WORK EXPERIENCE 05.2009 – until now Occupation or position held Translator freelancer from English, Russian and Spanish. Main activities and responsibilities Dubbing translations from English. Translations from Russian. Type of business or sector Media. 11.2009 – 10.2014 Occupation or position held Executive assistant and translator of OSMTH Bulgaria office. Main activities and responsibilities Translates the incoming and outgoing letters. Participates in the organisation of activities. Executes the technical support of the OSMTH Bulgaria office. Employer Balkan Security LTD. Type of business or sector NGO. 11.2007 – 09.2009 Occupation or position held Office Manager Main activities and responsibilities Connection with the clients. Execution of general office work: Phone calls, e-mails, welcoming guests. Employer Europlast Color LTD. Type of business or sector Production. 03.2005 – 10.2007 Occupation or position held Editor. Main activities and responsibilities Composing articles on Plant Design and Maintenance. Employer Hobby Farmer and Bulgarian Farmer newspapers. Type of business or sector Media. 11.2002 – 05.2004 Occupation or position held International Editor. Main activities and responsibilities Composing articles on International News. Reading the news. Employer TV Europe. Type of business or sector Media. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1997 – 2003 Title of qualification awarded Landscape Architect. Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Landscape Design, Dendrology, Geodesy, Soil Science, Town-Planning, Town Ecology, Plant Protection. Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Forestry, Sofia. Level in national or international classification Master’s degree. 1988 - 1993 Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Spanish Language and Literature. Name and type of organisation providing education and training Spanish Language School of Sofia “Miguel de Cervantes” Level in national or international classification Secondary Language Education. 1981 – 1988 Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Russian Language and Literature. Name and type of organisation providing education and training 133rd Russian School ‘A.S. Pushkin’. Level in national or international classification Primary School: 1st – 7th Grade. LANGUAGES Mother language: Bulgarian. Other languages: Listening Spoken interaction Writing Spanish С1 В2 С1 English С2 С1 С2 Russian С2 С2 С2 ADDITIONAL COURSES AND COMPETENCES 01.2012 - 03.2012 Professional training „Little and medium business assistant“. „Success – 04“LTD. COMPUTER SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Microsoft Office, Prompter Translator, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Realtime Landscaping Architect, Photo Shop, Corel Draw, Internet. SOCIAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Good communications and teem working. Reliability and responsibility.

Общ стаж като преводач, в години: 5.

Висше - ландшафтен архитект, магистър. Испанска езикова гимназия - средно образование. Руско училище 133 А.С.Пушкин - основно образование.


Езици: руски, английски, испански, български

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виетнамски монголски китайски финландски хинди сръбски казахски чешки турски италиански полски руски есперанто испански португалски немски украински английски арабски френски грузински датски румънски японски африкаанс унгарски ирландски индонезийски исландски македонски малтийски албански суахили тайски урду киргизки таджикски туркменски узбекски азербайджански арменски латвийски литовски естонски персийски фарси словенски словашки белоруски корейски

Търсене на преводач

Flarus Бюро за преводи © 2001-2024   Добави тази страница в Любими

Москва, Ул. Болшая Молчанкова, 34 стр. 2, от. 25
+7 495 504-71-35
от 9.30 до 17.30